Not that this helps but I have seen what you describe only while running in a VM Ware environment.

-Phil G

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Ian Levesque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm running 1.2.1-RC1 (built on Sat Sep 13 03:53:42 EDT 2008). After about 10 days of uptime, I noticed that logs were becoming stale. It turns out that all logging functionality stopped yesterday evening. In dmesg, the last messages are:

   pid 20276 (clog), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
   pid 20281 (clog), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

I then noticed that the syslogd process is using 100% CPU:

USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND root 217 100.0 0.1 3236 1096 ?? Rs 16Oct08 1083:50.92 / usr/sbin/syslogd -ss -f /var/etc/syslog.conf

I tried to hup the proc but it wouldn't die, so I had to kill it and restart syslogd by hand.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot the cause of this further?


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