On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Dimitri Rodis
> How long will pfSense hold onto the states required to maintain a tcp
> connection/udp "session", and can this be changed?
> It seems like connections on my network that are utilizing NAT reflection
> are timing out extremely fast (like 20 seconds or less). The firewall
> optimization is set to "conservative."
> This is only a guess, but it's the only thing that I can think of that makes
> sense based on the behavior I'm experiencing. (RDP sessions timing out and
> constantly reconnecting, and uploading changes to websites via sharepoint
> server extensions are all timing out, long transfers between mail servers as
> well).

>From /etfc/inc/filter.inc:

        $reflectiontimeout = $config['system']['reflectiontimeout'];
        $reflectiontimeout = "2000";                                            

You can set an override with <system><reflectiontimeout>


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