On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Mike Lever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation Bill.
> Can you please elaborate where you mention:
> "You'll actually lose link failure detection"
> What exactly is link failure detection ? I understand the meaning of the
> words in isolation but can you elaborate in the load balancing / Pfsense
> context ?

Only one of the links (whichever one has decided that your monitor IP
is available over it) will actually do any link failure detection.
ie.  in your case with 5 WANS, if monitoring is occurring for WAN5 and
it's the same address as WANS1-4, if WAN1 goes down, you'll still send
1/5th of your traffic down that pipe (even though it won't work) as
there will be nothing in place to determine it's availability.

> "Whichever link came up last will set the route to your monitor IP through
> it."
> So then, say WAN2 was the last WAN port to come up and the monitor addresses
> were set to the same IP address, would it then only route traffic through
> WAN2 ?

It'll still round robin over all 5 links.  It's just that only one of
them will be monitored for availability.


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