On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Tim A. <pfse...@lists.goldenpath.org> wrote:
> filter.inc.patch:      necessary for the correct operation of spamd
> Table <whitelist> exists but was never populated or used. Fixed.
> Table <blacklist> exists but was never populated. Fixed.
> Broken rule logic for whitelist entries, either (rdr) or (no rdr). Fixed.
> Comments:
> I guess no one noticed that the static whitelisting didn't work, since the 
> same entries would eventually be dynamically whitelisted anyway.
> You can observe the broken behavior clearly by whitelisting a test IP that is 
> known to not be dynamically whitelisted already, then telneting to any IP 
> behind pfsense on port 25 from the test IP.
> Having been whitelisted, you should not be rdr(ed) to spamd. But you are.
> The problem was in using <spamd-white> as the same table for both static and 
> dynamic entries. spamlogd removes the entries immediately after they're 
> loaded.
> Blacklisting (via /var/db/blacklist.txt) did not work.

Hey this is great, thank you!

Can you please do a diff -rub and then email the patch as an
attachment to coret...@pfsense.org and I will get it promptly

Thanks for working on this!


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