Ermal Luçi wrote:
To me this is a hack and not a feature.

Technically speaking: "Feature" is defined in effect. "Hack" is defined in method. So both terms are appropriate here and not mutually exclusive. pfSense itself is an ultimate Hack conglomerate, gluing together IMO some of the best the BSDs have to offer. This is actually one of its strong points. If there were anything too original here, Cisco or Juniper might have bought it out by now.

There is a better way to do this things than kludge things here and
there in the code.

I share the sentiment. I felt a little guilty actually. But the value of the feature pressed upon me. And the existing code was done in the same fashion. Most the code in this patch is actually reused from other areas within the *.inc files.
I just restructured it and added some logic.
In general the *.inc files disturb me a little but their not that bad.
There are a lot of useful hacks / code repeated, embedded in monolithic functions that could be extracted and generalized into their own functions.
Rewriting the whole thing is both tempting and daunting.
I haven't looked at 2.0 yet, but I'm guessing a lot of clean up is going on there.

The right fix was proposed once and not everybody
liked the POLA breaking.

I missed that episode. POLA?

Either way I would not like to see this in pfSense rather than the
other solution which would allow installing pfSense from the gui after
auto-magically booting the livecd.

Actually, thats something I considered and I do intend to work on: Installation via the GUI. But, IMO, the GUI should be kept minimal. Reusing existing proven code / methods as much as possible. So even that would be via an SSH applet. Or we could just make the whole system Lua based and deploy, operate and monitor our pfSense boxes from a WoW addon while plowing through Ulduar =D
Now THAT would be a sweet hack, lol.
However, Auto Configuring Interfaces is still a prerequisite of that feature / hack.

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