Chris Bagnall wrote:
> We've been using Alix boards (2C1 initially, now 2D1 - 400Mhz Geode, 128MB 
> RAM) for a few years with pfSense.
> One of our clients, whose network is normally about 50 users, is running an 
> event this weekend which will see the number of connected devices rise to 
> about 300.
> Does anyone have any experience as to whether the little Alix system will 
> handle that number of users? The router is only doing fairly basic functions 
> - DHCP, DNS and a small number of routing rules (no WLAN, no traffic shaping, 
> etc.).

I don't have any ALIX boxes with that many people behind them, so
perhaps someone else may have more input into that specific scenario.

That said, in my (albeit limited) testing those devices don't care so
much about the amount of clients behind them as much as the throughput.
You may want to monitor the number of states just to be safe. They are
very CPU limited when it comes to server tasks.

If you are just running basic services and no VPNs, as long as you keep
the throughput under 80-85Mbit/s you should be OK. If your Internet link
is well under that limit, you shouldn't have any problems.


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