Will try that as soon as my remote site is back in the office and revert back.

Thank you.

Tim Nelson wrote:
----- "Dominic" <vamp...@vortex.co.za> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hoping someone can assist me in getting Polycom's PVX software to work from behind PFsense. > I am trying to connect a Windows machine with the Polycom software (PVX) to a Polycom unit with
> a WAN IP (Polycom).
> The problem I experience is that the site with the Polycom unit can see the cam and hear the > audio of the PVX client. But the PVX client cannot see or get audio from the Polycom unit.
> I have added all the port forwards as per the PVX software an example of which is below:
> WAN  TCP/UDP  1503   LANIP (ext.: WANIP)  1503   PVX
> These were added using Firewall -> Nat and also allowing the firewall rule to be auto created.
> I have checked the States on the PFSense box and many of those relating to the Polycom units IP
> The Polycom unit previously connected and worked fine with the same PVX client machine which > was based behind a IPCOP firewall. The only change has been the replacement of IPCOP with PFSense. > IPCOP required no port forwards and setting my PFSense WAN IP on the Windows machine resolves the
> problem which indicates the problem is within my PFSense config...
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Dominic.

Try using Manual Outbound NAT and setting Static Port to YES. By default, pfSense uses a random source port on outbound NAT as a security measure but this can severly screw with some protocols. Changing those options alleviates many of the issues I face with SIP or other 'noisy' protocols behind pfSense. It may work for you as well.

Tim Nelson
Systems/Network Support
Rockbochs Inc.
(218)727-4332 x105

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