Andreas Fuchs wrote:
> I upgraded to 1.2.3 RC3 today.
> I'm now able to crate an interface on my tun1 for the OpenVPN, after a
> reboot the coneection is working.
> But the filter rules don't work.
> Based on the description i set the interface to a bridging interface to
> my LAN, but that way the network connection works but a deny everithing
> rule does not work nor log something.

Don't do that.

> Then i changed the interface to non bridging with an ip of
> (which is the ip of tun1) also here network connection is fine, but
> filter rules don't work.

Don't do that either. :-)

> What am i doeing worng?

Save/apply at each step where needed.

#1: Go to system > advanced, check "Disable all auto-added vpn rules"
#2: Manually add in rules on WAN to allow your VPN peers to connect to
the appropriate ports
#3: Assign OpenVPN interface as an OPT
#4: Enable this opt interface, rename if you want, and put 'none' in for
the IP
#5: Add your firewall rules to the OPT interface tab

That should do the trick.

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