Danny wrote:

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Evgeny Yurchenko <evg.yu...@rogers.com> wrote:
Danny wrote:
I cannot do that, because the main infrastructured is already built-in.

I mean <> and <>, both got ROUTER GW as default router "today".

I have installed 2xPfsense, plugged in this way
    OPT1 in <>
    OPT2 in <>

    We have leased a WAN Link, (pfSense WAN interface)

"Tomorrow" we have to change the default gateway for both networks, to point to pfsense, LoadBalacing with failover, to continue using former link, and in case the ROUTER GW is down, use the WAN of pfSense as an alternative

ROUTER GW, and inet (, is managed by third parties, that愀 the reason I cannot plug directly to pfsense

Thank you

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Evgeny Yurchenko <evg.yu...@rogers.com <mailto:evg.yu...@rogers.com>> wrote:

   Evgeny Yurchenko wrote:

       Danny wrote:


           I'm trying to setup this:

                       ____                                                        ___
                      (    )                                                     (    )
                     ( inet )                                                   ( inet )
                      (____)                                                     (____)
                        |                                                |
                        |                                               |
                        |                                               |
                        |                                           |
                 -------------                        |______
            ------|pfSense x2 |-----------------------------------|
           ROUTER GW  |
            LAN   |___________| (OPT2) |                         |____________|
                        |                         |                                |
                        |    |                     |
                        |                         |
           <> <>       |

                        |                                               |
                        |                                               |
           <> <>


                  Connection should alway go via ROUTER GW, but
           default gateway for all machines in both   networks should
           be pfsense (OPT1 and OPT2)
                  If is down conection should go via
           pfSense WAN interface
                  If is down conection should go via
           pfSense WAN interface

           Interface LAN not used because Failover gateway cannot be
           specified at pfSense 1.2.3 in LAN Interface

           I惴 stucked. I followed MutiWAN tutorial, but when I

           create Failover using gateways to monitor, I see the same
           address for WAN an OPT1 in the pool...

           Any ideas

           --             dpc

       I am afraid you have wrong understanding of MultiWAN.

   I think you should be doing the next:

             (    )                         (    )
            ( inet )                       ( inet )
             (____)                         (____)
               |                     |
               |                               |
               |                               |
               |                |
               |           -------------       |
                -----------|pfSense x2 |-------
                           |___________| (LAN) |      |

                            |      |                                                 |      |

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Please do not toppost.
What you are trying to do is failover at PCs level THEY have to switch to different gateway, THEY somehow have to become aware that primary Internet link is down, you are taking away this from pfSense box, i.e. pfSense can not change default gateway on your workstations.
With pfSense you still can use your ROUTER GW but not in scenario you described. Connect both lan segments to pfsense and have two links from pfSense upstream - one Internet and one to ROUTER GW.


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I´m sorry about topposting (gmail is almost perfect ;-)

That´s what I want. To have redundant internet connection, but automatically managed. If everybody in his respective lan segment point to pfsense as default gateway, and pfsense can route traffic depending of availability of the WAN links, but in this case WAN links are in the oposite segments

Does this make sense?


Ok. I think you should build something like this:
           (    )                         (    )
          ( inet )                       ( inet )
           (____)                         (____)
             |                     |
             |                               |
             |                               |
             |                |
             |   ------------ OPT1    -------------
              ---|pfSense x2 |------- | ROUTER GW |
                 |___________|        ------------- (LAN) |      |
                   |      | ----       |

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