(Bought the pfsense book and it doesn't cover this subject very well)

I'm trying to figure out if this is actually doable on pfSense 1.2.3 or 2.0.

I have a main /30 that 3 other networks are routed to on  a single
ethernet. I'm currently using a Cisco ASA that has the 3 other
networks assigned to individual interfaces, all routed to the main
interface which is routed to the /30.

All hosts behind the firewall have and need public IP addresses (NAT
is out of the question and beyond the scope of this post).

The thing that I'm trying to figure out is can pfSense work in a mode
(like bridged) to replace this ASA, allowing for the hosts behind the
firewall to retain their public IP addresses AND have the ability to
communicate with each other?

ASCii Diagram (first public IP octets changed for obvious reasons)

                    Networks                                    Interfaces
                       |                                                    |
---WAN-> (Main IP) ----------> pfSense (fw1) -----
igb0 --> Static  WAN
      --|                                |
      --|-- All of these are     |
          --|   routed to main IP  |

       |------------ igb1 --> OPT1


       |------------ igb2 --> OPT2


       |------------ igb3 --> OPT3

       |------------ bce0 --> LAN

       |------------ bce1 --> Free

If pfsense can't do this, then what if I were to keep the ASA behind a
pfsense machine, and bridge a single OPT interface with WAN, and have
that OPT interface run to my current WAN (outside) interface on the

Would that work or is it still a no go?

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