Hi Steve,

Am 24.05.2011 um 13:20 schrieb Steve Haavik:

>> I'm currently failing in reaching any of the VMs via their interfaces 
>> connected to the I've configured firewall rules to allow ICMP 
>> echo requests as well as TCP ports 80 and 443 for destinations in that 
>> subnet on the WAN interface. I can see that traffic is blocked when I 
>> disable these rules and is passed if I leave them enabled. If I do an HTTP 
>> request, I see CLOSED:SYN_SENT/SYN_SENT:CLOSED in pfSense's "Diagnostics: 
>> Show States".
> I've done a few setups like this. Make sure you have rules allowing the 
> return traffic from OPT to WAN. To make sure you aren't getting bit by your 
> webserver virtual machine routing the return traffic out the other interface 
> (I don't know, it could happen...) try to setup a vm that only connects to 
> vswitch2 and see if you have the same problem. Can you ping the vm from the 
> firewall? Try pinging from each interface on the firewall.
> If you can ping it fine when it's only connected to one vswitch, but not when 
> you add the second interface to the vm it's probably a routing issue on the 
> vm. Do you have default routes set for both interfaces on the webserver? If 
> you do "netstat -rn" you should see entries for both interfaces. Something 
> like this:
> Destination Gateway       Genmask   Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
>   UG        0 0          0 eth0
>   UG        0 0          0 eth1

that was the missing hint in the right direction – problem solved!

Indeed the return traffic had been sent through eth0, even if it originally 
arrived through eth1. The solution was to create a custom routing table as 
described on Darien Kindlund's blog: 

root@test:~# echo "1 ssl_sites" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables 
root@test:~# ip route add dev eth1 src table ssl_sites
root@test:~# ip route add default via dev eth1 table ssl_sites
root@test:~# ip rule add from table ssl_sites
root@test:~# ip rule add to table ssl_sites

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