Hi everyone,

I have set up an IPSec tunnel between a PFsense 2.0-RC1 and an IPCop.

The tunnel is marked as UP on both sides

From the network beyond the IPCop, I can ping every single machine beyond the PFSense. From the network beyond the PFSense, I can't ping machines beyond the IPCop.

What gives me trouble is :
* IPCop side, I have an ipsec interface, with an IP address and route to the other side of the IPSec tunnel * PFSense side I have an enc0 interface, without IP address and no trace of a route in the routing tables to the IPCop side :


# ifconfig
ipsec0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr MA:CA:DD:RE:SS:00 inet addr:public ip address Mask:
              UP RUNNING NOARP  MTU:16260  Metric:1

# ip route list
LAN ADDRESS PFSIDE/24 via Public IP GW dev ipsec0


# ifconfig
enc0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING>  metric 0 mtu 1536

# netstat -nr
gives no mention of route to ipcop side lan

Am I missing something ?

Thanks for your help

Fabien Bagard
IT Department
tel + 33 (0)1 48 03 60 40

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