On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 11:59:34AM +0200, David Balazic wrote:
> > I believe there was/is a gtk/pidgin bug such that when there 
> > are animated
> > smileys in the window, some text are not displayed 
> > immediately. If this happens
> > again, can you check if there are smileys in the window? Also 
> > try to refresh
> > the window (say, minimize and then restore the window) and 
> > see if it helps.
> Hi!
> It happened again. I'm using 2.4.1 now.
> There was one animated image in the conversation window.
> Details:
> I asked the other party (one message from me).
> He answered with text + animated image.
> I typed another text message.
> Only after 10 seconds did my message appear in the conversation.
> Right after that the answer form the other guy came, this time
> just an animated icon. (I guess some people love animations... ;-)

Have you tried what I suggested, that is, forcing the window to refresh?


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