On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:29:52 -0400, Steve VanSlyck
<s.vansl...@spamcop.net> was claimed to have wrote:

>Hey guys,
>As a spamcop user the subject line is the first think I look at in  
>assessing whether a message is spam.
>It would be a tremendous help if the list would append something like  
>[Pidgin] to the front of the subject line for a message if it isn't  
>already there. Many lists do this.
>Otherwise, messages with subject lines like "Can U help me" can easily  
>get reported as spam, with unintended potential consequences for the  

The spam report doesn't go to the sender, but rather, to the list's

Also remember that should anyone bother to follow-up on the spam report
generated by Spamcop, and your spamcop account will get flagged for
signing up to a confirmed-opt-in list and reporting it as spam.

Since the list has a valid List-Id header, why not use that for
identifying list mail and sort it into an appropriate folder rather then
guessing at Subject lines?

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