On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:32, Karen Luce <karen.l...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I sent a message yesterday regarding my sound not working.  But today I have 
> a new issue where the reply box in an IM is collapsed?  In other words, when 
> I try to respond to someone’s IM the box where I type my response is all 
> collapsed?  It only opens when I start to type but this is really annoying?  
> It was not like that before?
> It just keeps getting more and more unstable this pigeon.
> Can you tell me if there is a setting for this collapsing and how to get it 
> to stay open fixed?

There is a setting in the conversation preferences for the minimum
input area height.

A few users have reported issues with that setting not working
correctly, apparently this happens with some fonts.  It is possible
that is what you're seeing.

> Also, is the sound instability due to our network servers in Beehive?  We do 
> have an ongoing corporate wide issue with Beehive funcitionality being all 
> messed up.  Apparently the IT folk’s tried to force an upgrade and then all 
> problems started happening where calendar invites were disappearing, Pigeon 
> was showing people offline that were not.  So could the sound be affected due 
> to  Beehive issues?

That isn't likely, but in most cases you should be seeking support
from your internal IT before coming here.

> I do have the settings correct for sound.  I do not have mute selected.  Here 
> is a screen shot:
> Even though I have the settings in sound to always play a sound for all 
> messages rec’d it only plays sound randomly within conversation but the most 
> important place I need sound is when I receive the first message from 
> someone.  It is totally silent.
> Then I experience sound when I reply and hear them on their replies but then 
> it will all the sudden go silent again on both receiving and replying.  This 
> is so frustrating.
> I have gone back in and chose the sound over and over again but it will go 
> back to default sound sometimes or even though the sound I chose is selected 
> will not play it when I receive a message.

What is the sound you've chosen?

Does it play when you push the "Preview" button?


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