On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Richard Allen <r...@ra.is> wrote:
>> > [ra@hamburger ~]$ ll /proc/2694/fd/19
>> > l-wx------. 1 ra ra 64 May 11 01:14 /proc/2694/fd/19 ->
>> > /home/ra/.purple/logs/sipe/r...@ok.is%2cok%5cra/.system/2013-05-11.125047+0000GMT.txt
>> This is interesting.  Is /home/ra/.purple/logs on a local disk, or
>> network mounted?  What filesystem?  You really shouldn't see a
>> jillion
>> EAGAINs on filesystem write, and I'm quite surprised to see those
>> sendtos.  If this is a network filesystem, I suspect the server (or
>> the network) was out to lunch.
> No, all on a local disk.   The only thing special here is that the filesystem 
> is encrypted:
> [ra@hamburger ~]$ cd /home/ra/.purple/logs/sipe/r...@ok.is%2cok%5cra/.system
> [ra@hamburger .system]$ df -h .
> Filesystem                                             Size  Used Avail Use% 
> Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/luks-d6fe5bfc-b54c-4b4e-918a-148b574c5504  360G  117G  225G  35% 
> /home
> [ra@hamburger .system]$ mount | grep home
> /dev/mapper/luks-d6fe5bfc-b54c-4b4e-918a-148b574c5504 on /home type ext4 
> (rw,relatime,seclabel,data=ordered)
> [ra@hamburger .system]$ ls -l 2013-05-11.125047+0000GMT.txt
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 ra ra 6174 May 11 15:49 2013-05-11.125047+0000GMT.txt
>> Does /var/log/messages or /var/log/dmesg say anything interesting
>> from
>> around the time that this happened?  Any disk errors or timeouts?
> No, nothing.    And disk and/or filesystem errors would have thrown up red 
> flags for me and would have put my pidgin issue way down on the things to 
> worry about list :)
> Expect gdb backtraces the next time this happens :)
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Ive not had any problems with pidgin since last week when I lost connection
and since then Ive seen only two status messages: incorrect username and
password or 503: Service Unavailable.

I went to college with a guy whose wife works for fb. I emailed her on Sunday
and she responded today that this is a issue causing problems for a
lot of users.
She did not go into detail so its probably something they are working on. She
did tell me that it probably wont be fixed for a while. I really dont
like the sound
of that.

Anyway.. hope that helps others relax a bit.

We all just wait :(


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