This is my second request for support. The first one on a different topic received zilch for an answer. I don't know whether this is because this discussion list is closed to newcomers or because my request was not correctly formulated or elicited no interest at all, or any and all of the above...

Pidgin 2.10.9 installed in 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04.4 (kernel 3.16.0-50-generic #67 - Unity desktop) with following plugins:
   - purple-hangouts
   - libpurple-bin
   - telegram-purple
   - purple-skypeweb

Upon pidgin launch from Unity system tray, the pidgin contact window appears, buddies appear gradually: Telegram ones, then Hangout ones, followd by Skype ones. Once this sequence is over the icon in the launch bar disappears, the pidgin contact window with all buddies too and pidgin quits. It all takes about 3 seconds and is absolutely reproducible across reboots. Prior to that, pidgin had worked well since installation, i.e. for about a week or so.

As pidgin crashes, I do in terminal:

$ dmesg | grep pidgin` gives:
[ 483.627889] pidgin[4349]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f2e1a1e6468 sp 00007ffd63a9d790 error 4 in encrypt.so[7f2e1a1d1000+1b000]

Segfault ! What do I do from here ? Any help welcome.
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