This is a long e-mail, so I divided it into parts.

Summary: I think we're ready to release 2.3.1, because I can't reproduce "regression" SUREFIRE-347, the only bug targeted for 2.3.1. I was able to reproduce a related bug SUREFIRE-334, and was able to fix it using maven-shade-plugin alpha-14-SNAPSHOT (even though MSHADE-9 isn't fixed yet). If we go ahead and release maven-shade-plugin alpha-14-SNAPSHOT, we can release Surefire 2.4 as well (or instead).

Part 1: The problem with plexus dependency conflicts
Part 2: Testing the problem
Part 3: How I fixed the problem in trunk

1) The problem with plexus dependency conflicts

A couple of weeks ago I did a bunch of work with an eye toward getting Surefire 2.4 into a state where it could be released. The main remaining issue was the problem of plexus dependency conflicts. In some cases, Surefire would add its own plexus dependencies into the classpath of the tests; if the application under test depended on some other version of those plexus dependencies, you'd get some gnarly errors that were difficult to diagnose.

Two JIRA issues were associated with this problem, both of which were originally filed against Surefire 2.3.1: SUREFIRE-347 [regression: plexus is not properly isolated] and SUREFIRE-334 [useSystemClassLoader introduces dependencies]. SUREFIRE-332 [remove dependency on plexus-utils, use a split out cli package] was another related suggestion, not targeted for 2.3.1.

(There was also SUREFIRE-335 [forkMode = none is incompatible with useSystemClassLoader = true], but that one didn't make as much sense. I've marked it "Won't Fix.")

A few days ago, Mauro suggested that we release Surefire 2.3.1; I'd pointed out that -347 and -334 were still targeted for 2.3.1 and that we'd probably want to fix them before releasing 2.3.1. Right now only -347, the regression, is targeted for 2.3.1.

2) Testing the problem

I made a simple "plexus-conflict" integration test. (The Surefire integration tests are all full Maven projects that we fork a separate process to run, just like the Core tests.)

In the test project, I depended on plexus-utils 1.0.4 and extended the Commandline object. In 1.0.4, Commandline had a protected "envVars" Vector; in 1.4.x, envVars is a Map. Surefire depends on plexus-utils 1.4.8; if 1.4.8 were inserted on the classpath instead of the expected 1.0.4, you'd get an error.

Interestingly, when I ran the test in the default mode (useSystemClassLoader=false) I found that the test passed, just fine, in both Surefire 2.3 and also Surefire 2.4 Trunk. I think that means that I couldn't reproduce the regression bug SUREFIRE-347, the only bug targeted for Surefire 2.3.1!

I was able to reproduce SUREFIRE-334 with useSystemClassLoader=true in 2.4. (In 2.3 useSystemClassLoader=true utterly failed, even on the simplest integration test project; I don't think it works at all in 2.3.)

3) How I fixed the problem in trunk

The way I had imagined we'd fix these issues was to use maven-shade-plugin to relocate the packages for all Surefire dependencies. (It only had three dependencies: plexus-archiver, plexus-utils, and commons-lang.)

Unfortunately, when I tried shade a couple of weeks ago, I bumped straight into MSHADE-9 [failure to shade/relocate plexus-archiver (interfaces not properly relocated)] which blocked my use of shade.

However, our dependency on plexus-archiver was very minimal: all we were doing was creating an empty jar with a MANIFEST.MF file with a "Class-Path" attribute. So, with an eye toward simplifying things by reducing dependencies, and also trying to work around MSHADE-9, I checked in revision 602583, which ripped out our dependency on plexus-archiver, replacing it with a single class that just creates a simple jar with a manifest.

Luckily, with plexus-archiver ripped out, I was able to use maven-shade-plugin alpha-14-SNAPSHOT to shade both of the remaining dependencies (plexus-utils and commons-lang).

I think that means that if we release maven-shade-plugin alpha-14, even without fixing MSHADE-9, we can release Surefire 2.4, which would make me very happy. :-)

Thanks for reading!


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