On 10 Dec 07, at 4:04 PM 10 Dec 07, Brett Porter wrote:

On 11/12/2007, at 9:08 AM, Mauro Talevi wrote:

Dan Fabulich wrote:
Well - it was recently agreed that no vote was required for alphas.

That's surprising to me... I'd at least post to dev to make sure you don't get a -1.
I distinctly remember that alphas should be released with more ease and not the same formality.

But I decided to call for a vote unifying it to the move out of sandbox.

I'll then double check the alpha release process and update the webpage for reference.

Someone suggested that, but I happen to disagree with it (if you need less formality, make nightlies accessible) - a releases is a releases is a release :) This seems consistent with the Apache foundation documentation also.

A release in terms of legal requirements and packaging sure. Official releases should get more attention, while alphas should be expelled as fast as humanly possible for feedback. How can you argue against that? We probably make 10x releases then anyone else at the ASF. Getting something working out to users to try in the least cumbersome way should be the goal. Because we don't have a standard default snapshot repository it's generally a pain for users to try, so they don't, or adding a repository to their POM is enough to stop them.




Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

Simplex sigillum veri. (Simplicity is the seal of truth.)

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