On Jan 24, 2008 10:12 PM, Dan Fabulich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most of the JUnit reporting tools, including Ant's JunitReport task and
> Maven's surefire-report plugin (but also including Hudson and others)
> incorrectly assume that all of those testcases are methods of MyTestSuite.
> As a result, it makes it look like all of your tests are methods of one
> class in one package.  If you've got two "testOutput" methods, they'll be
> indistinguishable (except by stacktrace, if one is present).
> The same thing happens when you run TestNG tests: it always generates all
> of the test results in one XML file.  (Though it contains more
> information, see below.)
> More generally, both Ant's JunitReport and surefire-report incorrectly
> assume a one-to-one relationship between TestCase classes, XML files, and
> "suites" of tests.  They assume that every XML file contains one suite of
> tests, which is the same thing as a TestCase class, and all of the tests
> in the suite are just methods of the TestCase class.  This assumption is
> wrong.

I guess the reason for the assumption is that nobody normally writes a
test suite for JUnit, as it is needless coding that a pattern like
**/*Test.class could do at the build file level, where you can also
turn different tests on and off. But as you point out, it doesnt hold
for other test systems.

 > Ant 1.6 (I think?) introduced a helpful attribute on all of its <testcase>
> classes to include the class name of the class on every <testcase>
> element:
> Example 7
>      <testsuite name="com.mycompany.MyTestSuite" failures="0" errors="0" 
> tests="4" time="0.031">
>        <properties><!-- ... --></properties
>        <testcase name="test1a" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test1" />
>        <testcase name="test1b" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test1" />
>        <testcase name="test2a" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test2" />
>        <testcase name="test2b" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test2" />
>        <testcase name="test3a" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test3" />
>        <testcase name="test3b" time="0.0" classname="com.mycompany.Test3" />
>      </testsuite>

I forget when, but take your word for it.

> This is good, because it allows you to figure out which class the method
> really belongs to.  This is what TestNG outputs when it generates
> JUnit-like results.  Unfortunately, nobody honors the "classname"
> attribute, including Ant 1.7's JunitReport task!

You contributions to the XSL file are welcome :)

> Even if we did try to honor that information and report on it in the HTML,
> how would we do it?  Right now, the reports are organized in terms of
> packages, and within the packages you'll get a list of classes (assumed
> incorrectly to be the same thing as "suites"), and within the list of
> classes you'll get a list of test method names.  There's no room for
> "suites" (as distinct from classes) in these reports at all.
> And arguably there shouldn't be a place for this information, because
> apparently 80-90% of the time suites aren't being used; adding a "suites"
> section would be redundant in those cases.
> We could throw away the "suite" wrapper and pretend as if the tests were
> just classes and methods, but note something else: the sum of the "time"
> attribute on the <testcase> elements is normally different from the "time"
> attribute on the <testsuite>.  That's because the timer has a 16ms
> resolution on most operating systems.

> In bug SUREFIRE-433, it was argued that we should generate separate JUnit
> XML files for every class.  You could even imagine converting the results
> from Example 7 into results that looked like Example 2, throwing away all
> of the suite-level information.
> I certainly want to be conservative in what I emit and liberal in what I
> accept, but I *really* don't want to throw away information, especially at
> the XML level.  With that said, as we're trying to make the report look
> something like the way it looks today, we're going to lose suite-level
> information in the HTML.
> What I propose is that, in order to avoid destroying information, Surefire
> should generate XML that looks like Example 7 (all-in-one-file), and not
> try to fake it to look like Example 2 (one-file-per-class).  (TestNG's
> junit-like output also generates files like Example 7.)  However, when it
> comes time to generate an HTML report, surefire-reports will discard
> suite-level information, and treat large suites like Example 7 as if they
> had been presented in separate files like Example 2.  I'd argue that all
> of the other JunitReport-like tools (including Ant) should probably follow
> the same lead.

I think that  if everyone else has a bug, its hard to call it a bug.
More a presentation choice :)

> My proposal is not obviously right, because, again, most other JUnit
> report tools also have this reporting bug; when they try to format TestNG
> output or Surefire output, they'll incorrectly report all methods to be
> members of the suite class.  Maybe since we expect EVERYONE to have this
> bug, we should be even more conservative in what we emit and generate
> multi-file output, just so the other tools will know how to interpret it
> correctly.  That would make it more likely that the HTML output would
> contain complete information.
> What do other people think?  Agree, disagree?

I do need to allocate time to fix reporting in Ant, both what we
generate (assuming a junit4 task), and what the tool processes. Me,
I'm more concerned with the problem of trying to merge log results
from a server and a client, as the current reports only pick the
stdout and stderr from one side of the party,


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