On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 04:15:22PM +0100, david monacchi wrote:
> Dear all,
> we're planning to build in Pesaro-Italy a small ambisonic studio with 13 
> loudspeakers (full 3D - 4@-45°, 4@0°, 4@+45°, 1@90°).. We're now in the 
> process of moving walls, treating acoustically the room, etc.. The room will 
> be 5.00 x 4.60 x 3.20h and we are planning to treat it to be as more 'dead' 
> as possible..
> In order to have a 'pleasant' space, we're thinking to put a wodden floor 
> which, to a certain degree, will also help absorbing some low frequencies..
> My question is: 
> considering that the room will be semi-anechoic, is the reflection from the 
> wodden floor really compromizing for the correct soundfied reconstruction? 
> Are there studies that you know with experimental data, or simply your direct 
> experience on this?

A thick carpet won't hurt... If the room is supposed to be semi-anechoic
then a specular reflection from a shiny wooden floor isn't going to help.

With just 2 more speakers (4 + 6 + 4 + 1) you would not only have 
better first order but also the option to reproduce in full 2nd
order - assuming the right decoder.



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