On 13 Jun 2011, at 09:30, Dave Malham wrote:
On 12/06/2011 00:34, Robert Greene wrote:
Yes that is it!
Incidentally, I would like to add a (nonmathematical)
point. I think dipoles are more or less a disaster for Ambisonics
Bass is one thing, but what dipoles mostly do is bounce sound off
the back walls(unless you were using them as subwoofers only)
in a way that creates "spaciousness", so beloved of stereo loving
audiophlies, but that blurs the actual spatial information.
In the past we had a "horizontal" array (they were actually hung
from the ceiling!) of four Quad Electrostatics. They could work well
but at other times the image was completely messed up by the
reflections from the walls of the rear radiation. This was all very
material dependent. Panning directions could reverse, spurious
height changes could happen and so on...beautiful speakers, but...
I agree re the Quads' in-room bass. I have two pairs of them (ESL63's)
on stands in a rectangle 30cm off the floor at 1/7th of the way along
each diagonal in a 4.8m x 3.55m room. But I am currently limited to
ambi super-stereo and UHJ and have dropped the bass to the 'statics by
3.5dB (at 20Hz, about -1dB at 200Hz), making up the level with a mono
sub half way along a wall on the room's long axis. These 'statics also
tend to rattle at moderately high bass levels anyway, so the bass cut
helps reduce this considerably. My room dimensions tend to boost bass
by around 5dB (1/3rd octave) from about 200Hz downwards. The sub's low
pass is set at 45Hz (-6dB) for music, at 85Hz for TV, with its output
set using a dB meter. Not ideal but works fairly well with the
material I listen to, mainly Nimbus UHJ classical and a lot of studio
recorded alternative/rock stereo stuff. Ambi and super-stereo imaging
is really good at least over the upper bass to low treble range. I'd
like to be able to add at least another sub eventually. And then
there's that suck-out, at around 200Hz in my case, from the
electrostatic's floor reflection... Ho hum. Maybe Quad could be
persuaded to make a narrower range ESL that could be put higher off
the floor as well. Well maybe not but it's a thought.
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