Paul has probably put his finger on it but unfortunately, unless one of the
remaining few people who were involved back then have the info, we would
probably have to find the original BBC tapes, since they tended to be
reasonably well documented. The information might be somewhere in Michael's
documentation, but I don't have access to that, and I don't think I have
the tapes.  Although some did come to me through the John Hayes and Peter
Fellgett collections, I don't remember seeing any BBC ones other the
Charles + Di wedding ones. Of the people on this group, the one most likely
to know is Geoffrey Barton. Otherwise, does anyone know if Bob Harrison (of
the BBC, who seemed most closely involved with the Soundfield experiments
in the late 70's) is still around and contactable? He might know. On the
data for HJ, the November 1977 one seems most likely, as I seem to remember
getting a correction to my Integrex decoder to make matrix H into HJ - and
we bought the kit as soon as it became available.


On 25 January 2012 22:58, Paul Hodges <> wrote:

> --On 25 January 2012 20:04 +0000 Richard <> wrote:
>  But was BBC ever using either of the formats officially?
> And given that HJ was defined to include within its tolerance zones both H
> and 45J, they could by definition have simply continued using existing H
> equipment and labelling the results HJ.
> Paul
> --
> Paul Hodges
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