In terms of stability of the cards, you really get what you pay for.  RME,
for example, has been superb for years–though at a price.
An economical solution, say the Presonus Firestudio Lightpipe, for example,
has been spotty in connectivity and clocking and was soon sunsetted after
it's release, and still left the cost of DA conversion down the chain..
 We've used the MOTU 24 I/O system with great results thus far (2 units at
96k, 48 channels), and at a middle ground in terms of price.  As you begin
to expand the system and bridge multiple devices, you'll want to consider a
dedicated clock, such as Apogee's Big Ben.


On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Miguel Negrao <> wrote:

> A 24/03/2012, às 05:58, Eric Benjamin escreveu:
> >> currently thinking of using PCI or PCI express cards
> > Any time that there are multiple devices the chances of having them be
> offset in
> > time increases dramatically.  I've really had a lot of bad experiences,
> both
> > with multiple PCI audio devices and with multiple external ADAT devices.
>  I'm
> > thinking of one system I saw a few years ago that had three ADAT cards
> in the
> > computer to get 24 channels of output.  In that system I occasionally saw
> > offsets of greater than a millisecond!  But more recently I've seen a
> system
> > with four MOTU 24I/O devices for 96 channels of output, and that system
> had
> > perfect synchronization between devices.
> If it’s the system that I’m thinking about, not  only that, but also
> synchronization with another computer with another 4 MOTU sound cards,
> making a total of 192 channels. :-)
> best,
> Miguel Negrão
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