   The person to really answer this is Geoffrey barton (or perhaps
Peter Craven). I'm sure I have something on this somewhere (possible
in the stuff that went to the FCC??) but I can't find it at present.
I'll have a think about this, but it may have been something to do
with improving on the earlier "Hafler" difference system for
extracting ambience from stereo recordings and placing it on a pair of
rear speakers, which were often set up as an out of phase pair to try
and decorrelate the sound.


On 20 July 2012 09:55, Johan Haspeslagh <johan.haspesl...@pandora.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question concerning the conversion of a stereo recording to
> ambisonics. In the Wireless World of 1977 articles there are equations for the
> conversion of stereo to W,X,Y equivalent signals. The use of j*Diff term
> doesn't seem to make sense. As I found no background info on them, maybe
> someone in the group has.
> The WW1977 article states:
> W=0.71*Sum-0.291*j*Diff
> X=0.71*Sum+0.291*j*Diff
> Y=0.583*Diff
> where Sum=L+R and Diff=L-R.
> I was puzzled with the addition of the j*Diff, so I tried to find some
> mathematical support for it. The reasoning I did is as follows:
> 1. As W,X,Y are a representation of a supposed plane wave with amplitude S
> coming from a certain angle phi (phi=0 if straight ahead), we need to suppose
> a analoguous encoding for stereo. I supposed a the sin-like law of encoding
> f.e.:
> (L-R)/(L+R)=sin(phi)/sin(30) if loudspeakers are placed at -30 and 30 degrees.
> 2. As a starting point a naive conversion of the L,R signals (projection of
> L,R on X,Y) to ambisonic-like format gives:
> W=Sum
> X=Sum*cos(30)
> Y=Diff*sin(30)
> If we write Sum and Diff in relation to the supposed direction encoding in (1)
> as function of S and phi, then
> W=S
> X= S*cos(30)
> Y= S*sin(phi)
> X is independent of the direction, Y correctly encodes the direction neatly. X
> is only correct for the center direction (phi=0) but for all other directions
> the magnitude of the encoded vector is to large (sqrt(X²+Y²)>W).
> 3. The adding of the j*Diff terms makes af first sight everything even worse,
> it makes the magnitude of X and W  higher and it also introduces a phase
> differences between X,Y and W which is in theory not possible if one encodes a
> plane wave directly.
> The only reason I could think of is that by introducing phase differences once
> you construct the loudspeaker signals by adding weighted versions of the W, X
> and Y signal together these phase differences introduce lower amplitudes (than
> adding signals in phase). I did not go through with this calculation yet.
> So if someone have some idea's on it,
> Johan
> --
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Dave Malham
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