On 12/15/2013 03:54 PM, Aaron Heller wrote:
The wikipedia article on Ambisonics has the following paper under Source
texts on Ambisonics – basic theory.   I can't seem to find a copy from my
usual sources.  Do any of have a copy?

W.C.Clarck, K.Alimi, B.Spendor: Ambisonic depending Aural recognition,
International Institute of Inuitive Audio research, IIAR 1205, pp 15–32,
May 2008

Also on the second author's Linkedin page as

Ambisonic depending aural recognition

IIAR Journal for Psychoacoustics

May 2008

Direction perception in binaural hearing systems stems from minor Phase
shifts of the dual received input material. The auricle curvature, ethmoid
bone and nasal septum shape the perceived sonar soundscape for each sample
individual. In headphone and in-ear monitoring conditions sonar soundscape
is distorted or incomplete due to the absence of these three functors. This
paper's intention is to develop a framework of all possible functor
structures for modeling different types of functor attributes in an in ear
monitoring system in order to reproduce the lost ambisonic effect of
various listeners using a rounded statistical morphology of 32 basic types
of anatomic features.

this smells like a bogus journal. i'd accuse the author of link farming, if there was any link at all :)

i might delete it within the next few days unless someone beats me to it.

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT


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