<> kirjoitti 
21.1.2014 kello 19.00:

thanks for elaborating! very interesting method and survey!

one thing i'm asking myself: since you can only ever have one direction
per time window, does that mean that each direction estimate will
"trigger" a complete IR decay trail from the omni mic in that direction?
i.e. your directional resolution is really high, at the cost of
identical timbre of all reflections?

are there any perceptual drawbacks? i'm sure i wouldn't notice, unless
the carpet i'm standing on is knee-deep, but... :)
particularly, will the "seat dip" effect be averaged and spread into all

One time window gives one direction estimate as it is an impulse response which 
is analyzed. In ideal impulse everything (all frequencies from one direction) 
are in one sample. In practise impulses are spread in time, but the idea still 
works well. Thus, after the directional analysis all samples of one omni IR is 
distributed to reproduction loudspeakers. This results that in reproduction 
loudspeakers the convolution reverbs are quite sparse. However, after 
convolution with anechoic signal the perceived spatial sound is very natural 
without any coloration. I hope this clarifies and answer to your question.

We have not found any perceptual drawbacks. Naturally, the quality of IR is 
important, the used loudspeaker should reproduce short impulse, e.g., a dodec 
usually used in room acoustical measurements is not very good as it emits 
several impulses from all elements. And as far as I understand the "seat-dip 
effect" is correctly reproduced, but I do not have any data to prove it. At 
least it sounds the same as in-situ in real halls.


Tapio Lokki <<>>,
Aalto University School of Science, Department of Media Technology
PO Box 15500, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland, tel. +358-40-578 2486, fax +358-9-4702 

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