The source for the TetraFile Android app is now available here:

It contains 3 Eclipse projects: the TetraFile executable, the Java
Android frontend and the fft library used by the executable.

Not included is the source for libsndfile (required by the
executable), which can be found at:

I don't think that the changes I made to Tetrafile are worth for Fons
to include in his main code since they are just simple log messages
that are used by the frontend to display the processing progress.



On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Jörn Nettingsmeier
<> wrote:
> On 01/26/2014 07:17 PM, Hector Centeno wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been always aware that TetraProc (and Tetrafile, which is part of
>> it) is GPL and I can certainly make the source code of my Android app
>> TetraFile available. I just need to find the time to organize it,
>> clean it and package it properly. It consists of two Eclipse projects,
>> one with the Android Java frontend and another with the Tetrafile C++
>> NDK code with some minor modifications I did so I could interface more
>> easily with the frontend.
> it doesn't need to be cleaned, really, but you need to get that source out
> asap. until you do, you are violating the license, which means you can't
> legally distribute tetrafile for android. or, if your modifications are
> small and self-contained, maybe just feed them back to fons and ask if he's
> interested in adding them to his repo.
>> Tetrafile depends on libsndfile which would have to be compiled
>> separately for Android but I guess I can include the precompiled
>> library with the Tetrafile NDK project. It took a bit of work to
>> finally get libsndfile working on Android but Steven Yi (a well known
>> Csound contributor) and I managed to get it done. The code for
>> libsndfile is here:
>> As for AmbiExplorer, I didn't use any GPL code in it that would force
>> me to release the source code and for now I would like to keep it
>> closed. I will consider to release it in the near future.
> oh, sure. i did not mean to imply otherwise, and i respect your choice of
> license.
> otoh, i don't think that open-sourcing it would necessarily reduce your
> income from the app - installing something from google play for a few euros
> is just sooo convenient that i'd be very much surprised if more than 1% of
> your prospective customers would rather set up their own build
> environment... (i know i wouldn't - many other open-source apps are marketed
> via google play for reasonable amounts of money, and i always like to
> support people who donate their code to the public.)
> best,
> jörn
> --
> Jörn Nettingsmeier
> Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
> Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
> Tonmeister VDT
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