Having tried earlier to get this to work -- unsuccessfully because I was messing with the Realtek HD Audio Manager which turend out to be irrelevant -- I decided to have another go at fooled around with my PC and, as is often the case, it suddenly started doing what I wanted (perseverance is in my experience the only way to achieve anything with computers...).

I am running Windows 7 with an RME UFX connected to the Firewire port. This appears as "Speakers/RME Fireface UFX" in the windows "Control_Panel/Sound/Playback" panel. I set this as the default and clicked on "Configure", selected the first of the two "5.1 Surround" options (what the second one is for, I have no idea), and told it that I dont have a bass or centre speaker. This provides tones that can be used to determine the routing is correct.

Then I installed Chrome (having previously set a System Restore Point), navigated to http://rdmedia.bbc.co.uk/radio3/faq.html and the lady's voice came over where it should do! (A thoughtful touch that she repeats the test several times!)

The go to http://rdmedia.bbc.co.uk/radio3/index.html and click on the play button, and four channels of Brahms Tragic Overture appeared.


Playback Channels on the RME are

1       Left front
2       Right front
3       Center
4       Bass (LFE)
5       Left rear
6       right rear

Using the Loopback function of Totalmix I have routed it to Samplitude. Ready for Rachmaninov PC.3. So far it sounds remarkably good.


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