Apologies all, please disregard that message, it was meant for Anders only. I 
hit send in haste and failed to rip out my ethernet cable in time...
Best wishes

On 24 Jun 2014, at 11:33, Martin Parker <martin.par...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Anders, please forgive this unsolicited email, but I noticed your 
> message on Surround Sound and thought I’d offer a project for your 
> rig/concerts series this autumn, if you’re not already fully booked up. 
> ….

> On 24 Jun 2014, at 10:27, anders.vin...@bek.no wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> FYI, there's a concert in Bergen next Thursday, at "Lydgalleriet", a
>> skewed shoe-box shaped room in the old-town of Bergen.
>> The setup is a quasi 24ch hemisphere, 9+9+5+1, somewhat irregular to
>> accommodate the room-shape, mounting options and audience-seating.
>> The concert on thursday will be the 3rd concert using the same rig in
>> this venue.  The program this time consists of VBAP or Ambisonics-coded
>> pieces, composed by:
>> Åke Parmerud
>> Ludger Brummer
>> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
>> Natasha Barrett
>> Anders Vinjar
>> More details about the music is available online:
>> https://underskog.no/kalender/102648_lydgalleriet-bek-presents-an-ambisonics-concert-feat-Åk/forestilling/168666
>> Various ambisonics decoders are used to either recode the VBAP pieces or
>> decode the native Ambisonics pieces.  Of special interest this time is
>> testing optimized decoders calculated using Aaron Hellers Ambisonic
>> Decoder Toolbox, setting up config-files for ambdec or Faust-generated
>> decoders.
>> We're aiming at setting up further concerts (4-5) during the autumn, and
>> will test and compare various approaches to decoder design for "the
>> Shoebox".
>> Cheers,
>> Anders Vinjar
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> Martin~
> martin.par...@ed.ac.uk
> Programme Director, MSc Sound Design
> http://soundeducation.net
> Sound Lab Edinburgh:
> http://sites.ace.ed.ac.uk/sdresearch/
> Tel. +44(0)131 650 2333
> Mob. +44(0)7813 217 092
> www.tinpark.com
> Postal address:
> MSc Sound Design
> c/o Dr. Martin Parker
> Edinburgh College of Art
> Alison House
> 12 Nicolson Square
> Edinburgh
> EH8 9DF, UK
> Google Map:
> http://maps.google.co.uk/?q=eh8+9df
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Programme Director, MSc Sound Design

Sound Lab Edinburgh:

Tel. +44(0)131 650 2333
Mob. +44(0)7813 217 092

Postal address:
MSc Sound Design
c/o Dr. Martin Parker
Edinburgh College of Art
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square

Google Map:

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