Dear SurSound - calling composers and field recordists
I’m putting together a non-stop playlist of bFormat works to play through 
December as part of ‘gap in the air’, a four month-long sound festival at 
Talbot Rice Gallery in Edinburgh - I’d 
like to invite members of this list to send works in if you have something that 
you think will fit. We’re trying to show a wide range of approaches to 
composing with space and recording sound. We’re interested in fully formed 
pieces, interesting/special field recordings and even one-off sound events.

The main conditions for inclusion are that you grant us permission to play the 
sound in the space and that (if a piece of music) the work is yours. We’re also 
looking for technical simplicity so would like the works to arrive in 
four-channel WXYZ bformat .wav. Everything will play at 44.1kHz so please SRC 
the file before sending it in should you need to.

If you want to have your work considered for this playlist please send me a 
link to a dropbox (or other) folder that contains a .zip of the bformat file 
(WXYZ), a photo/album cover if this is relevant, and a text file with the 
following information:

your name
title of the piece
a short description of the piece (1 paragraph - for display in the gallery)
more extended notes if you wish these to be available online

The deadline for this is end of next week Friday 14th November, we’ll be glad 
to consider submissions after this date but given the time it will take to sort 
through everything and put the playlist together, this is my nominal cut off 
date.  Preference for inclusion on the playlist will be shorter tracks as we 
want gallery visitors to get a sense of the range of work that’s out there and 
what’s possible with ambisonics, some longer pieces will also be included.

A technical note: we’ll be decoding the 4 channel files to a 12 (possibly 16) 
channel rig. The room is a Georgian gallery space, so this will colour the 
sound significantly, I’ll attempt to balance the pieces in the room to give the 
best effect for each work, but abandon any hope of their being a clear 
sweetspot. The sound will certainly envelop the listener and fill the room but 
a sense of a solid 'image’ will be fleeting.

Incidentally if you wish to come to Edinburgh, we’ll host a panel discussion on 
sound spatialisation in gallery spaces on the 15th December. Would be great to 
meet some of you at this.

Best wishes
Programme Director, MSc Sound Design

Sound Lab Edinburgh:

Tel. +44(0)131 650 2333
Mob. +44(0)7813 217 092

Postal address:
MSc Sound Design
c/o Dr. Martin Parker
Edinburgh College of Art
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square

Google Map:

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