len moskowitz wrote:

Stefan wrote:

> AmbiExplorer already goes very much into this direction...

Hector did a great job with AmbiExplorer, but it's in a different class than the Jaunt content. Hector's app accepts standard Ambisonics WXYZ audio files. Jaunt's VR content is fixed.

The Jaunt content has headtracked 3D video and binaural audio. Hector's app only does audio.

Jaunt's content uses the Google Cardboard to mount the smartphone and present stable video. Hector's app doesn't provide a way to mount the smartphone nor does it present video.

One very nice feature of Hector's app is that it allows you to select the IRCAM LIsten HRTF data set that works best for you. The Jaunt content doesn't offer that flexibility yet.

Accepted, but don't assume that Hector, Bo-Erik Sandholm and actually me ;-) never have thought yet to apply an head-tracked Ambisonics decoder as 3D audio solution for VR applications. (In fact, Bo-Erik already < did > some stuff connected with 3D panorama viewers.)

Google Cardboard: With every respect, but they didn't have this idea < as first >.


3D television and 3D cinema are becoming wide-spread, but 3D Virtual Reality goggles (or glasses), despite being a many decades old idea, are just (as of 2013) receiving increased attention. The few commercial devices available don't sell well, in parts due to price, but a cheap alternative has emerged: A modern SmartPhone, two lenses for under 10$ and some cardboard and glue is all you need to build your own 3D-VR goggles.

It would be so nice if some Californian companies would < once > recognise that they didn't invent ideas which they (very probably) did copy. If not from Marcus Hutter, from related DIY projects.

Google also didn't invent Java and/or Linux. (Which became a kind of propietary mix in Android, even if Android started in a quite open way.)



P.S.: Sorry for being a bit aggressive. I am just presenting some < clear > evidence for "legally allowed robbery" of the ideas of others... "Business as usual", at least in the increasingly decadent (!) Silicon Valley of today. :-)

P.S. 2: Google also manages to pay incredibly low tax rates. Just a further observation. Just? Whereas this is not my problem, it may be related to the fact that they usually don't recognise the contributions of others.

Compared to this, Oculus Inc. seems to work together < with > others. Probably because the leadership is still (!) a team of technical experts, not some "corporate" one.

Len Moskowitz (mosko...@core-sound.com)
Core Sound LLC
Home of TetraMic

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