That's great news!, was hoping for this big time.

I hopped over to the github page, but it's all Greek to me as
a code-illiterate...thankfully many of you are much smarter than I am..

Not sure if this is in the very early stages, so there are no answers yet,
but if possible can somebody explain in layman's terms what this actually
means in practice?:

- Will this support rotation of the soundfield according to the video
position in all 3 axis?

- How about zoom? (zooming in to the video would focus the soundfield to
that area)

- Will there be support for HOA? If so, which file format would we use?

- Is there going to be a decoder built into the Youtube interface that let's
us select preferred HRTF and output format such as binaural and maybe even
common speaker layouts (stereo, 5.1, 7.1 etc.)?

If you need any alpha/beta testers, count me in!

Best wishes,


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