Hello all,

Now that I’m getting a bit claustrophobic from the constant headphone use
when mixing 3rd order Ambisonics, it would be nice to have a speaker-based
solution that would give my ear lobes some relief, but doesn't break the bank..

Does anyone have any experiences with the 3D7.1 setup described here?:


Would this be adequate as an entry point for 3rd order listening, or is
there a better solution (which uses about the same amount of speakers…) ?

Any budget speaker recommendations? 

I’m looking at the JBL LSR 300 series powered monitors as a good candidate,
as they can be had for around $150 each and have good reviews.

Is 1 sub enough, or is it better to have 2 (these speakers roll-of very
quickly below 75Hz)
Their dispersion is sort of wide though, is this a benefit, to fill in the
"holes" due the small number of speakers used, or a negative in terms of
phase cancellation problems?

Thanks !

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