Thank you all for the very helpful tips. I will try those things tomorrow.

- martin

On 22 March 2016 at 18:49, Martin Dupras <> wrote:
> Today I tried playback sources in third order Ambisonics on a 8+6+1
> hemispheric speaker array using Reaper. It didn't quite work as
> intended so I'm trying to figure out where I've gone wrong.
> I was using the Blue Ripple TOA-Core panner plugin to position the
> sound. I understand that Blue Rippler plugins use the Furse-Malham
> convention.
> The only decoders that I could find to decode to my specific array
> (using coefficients that I calculated using the Ambisonics Decoder
> Toolkit) were the Ambix Plug-ins and AmbDec.
> I tried Ambix first, which I understand uses the ACN ordering
> convention. I tried re-ordering the channels based on information that
> I found here: 
> But that didn't really work.
> I then tried to run 16 outputs out of Reaper into Jack, and from Jack
> into AmbDec, again using my ADT-calculated coefficients. I understand
> that AmbDec uses the Furse-Malham convention, so I would have thought
> it was compatible with the output of the Blue Rippler plugins. But
> again, that didn't really work well at all.
> In both cases the sound was coming from seemingly random places, and a
> number of positions went practically silent.
> Any advice on where to go next?
> Many thanks,
> - martin
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