At 11:54 30-03-16, Eero Aro wrote:

If 90 degrees between the speakers works for you, fine. Most likely the commercial recordings you are listening to, have been monitored with an 60 degrees angle, as that has been the "standard" setup in studios for more than 60 years. It didn't happen when 5.1 came up. On the contrary, the working group that defined the 5.1 setup, started from a center channel and a good stereo image in front that works for most

As Dave Malham says, there must be AES papers where this 60 degrees has been taken

As you say: it goes back further than the AES: I would look at old copies of Wireless World or Proc IEE/IRE!

We used approx. 60 degrees at Abbey Rd in the late 60s, largely dictated by the size of the control rooms.


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