On Sun, Apr 03, 2016 at 11:05:59AM +0000, Politis Archontis wrote:

> Oops, that should have been “About N3D…” instead of “About ACN...”

Modulo that correction, that's probably something that anyone who
has ever done any maths related to HOA decoding, beamforming,
rotation, etc. will confirm without any reservation. 

Another matter: what is the 'official' definition of IEM's
Ambix format ? Problem is that I find contradicting info.

There's the paper: 


and the source code on Github:


These mention different UUIDs for the extended (with matrix) format.
Also in the paper it is at least suggested (Fig. 1) that the matrix
dimensions are 32-bit floating point, while the code uses 32-bit
integers (which makes sense).



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