Albert Leusink wrote:

> 1. Does it make any difference in what order (1st or 3rd or higher...) you 
> convert from FuMa to ACN/SN3D ?

I would say no.

> 2. I noticed an increase in overall gain of about 4.5dB going from Fuma to 
> ACN/SN3D, both in 1st order and 3r order conversion. Is this to be expected 
> or is this plugin-related (Ambix VST converter 0.2.5) ?

Using the Kronlachner Ambix 3rd order converter, going from FuMa to SN3D, the 
maximum gain you should see is 1.414 linear (+ 3 dB) in the W channel and 1.291 
linear (+ 2.2 dB) in the O channel. The other channels are either identical or 
have lower gains.

Going from FuMa to N3D, the maximum gain you should see is 3.416 linear (+ 
10.67 dB) in the O channel.

Going from SN3D to N3D, the gain is 1.732 (+ 4.77 dB) for the 1st order, 2.236 
(+ 7 dB) for the 2nd order and 2.646 (+ 8.45 dB) for the 3rd order.

- Daniel

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