--On 13 November 2017 13:09 +0200 Eero Aro <eero....@dlc.fi> wrote:

> However, I did install the Virtual Audio Cable. It allows connecting
> two computer applications together.

I use the Hi-Fi Audio Cable (that's the version with ASIO capability)
to enable me to use the Blue Ripple Rapture3D Ambisonic player (User
version) with my MOTU UltraLite interface; it wasn't needed with my
E-MU 1616m - but that's finally bitten the dust. 


My problem was that (1) I can't afford (and don't really need) the
Advanced player, and the User version only outputs to a single
multichannel Windows Audio device; but (2) the MOTU driver only offers
Windows Audio as several stereo devices, which the player can't be
configured for.  Using the Hi-Fi Audio Cable I can direct its Windows
Audio inputs to the required ASIO inputs of the MOTU, and everything is
fine with Rapture3D outputting to it.  

However, I should note that there was a lot of trial and error involved
in getting this working, because there is no documentation, nor even
any hint that it could actually do what I needed - and the setup which
is working is pretty far from obvious!


Paul Hodges

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