No, I was talking about spectral artefacts - and not localization.

To apply Heisenberg’s Unschärferelation to acoustics might be a bit audacious, because  the size and energy orders are just too big for. 😉


----- Mensagem de Sampo Syreeni <> ---------

 Data: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 06:25:42 +0200 (EET)

 De: Sampo Syreeni <>

 Assunto: Re: [Sursound] Into Sound - Headphone Localization Hearing Test

 Para: Surround Sound discussion group <>

On 2021-12-19, Stefan Schreiber wrote:

But you can't have it both ways:

Either these small changes are noticeable, but then you also will get some spectral = tonal errors. (You don't get tonal errors in the case of normal head movements, according to Dr. Theile and others. Even if the spectral perception changes because of  head movement...)

OR the changes are too small to get noticed, or tp do anything meaningful in the first place...

You might be dealing with the uncertainty principle, here. Not sure, but it sounds like you might.

It is impossible to localize in time and frequency at the same time. That's just basic math. If you do a Fourier analysis of things, the two sides of the tranform obey the Heisenberg principle.

If you want to go into a more Surround Sound or DSP minded discussion, I'm more than willing and here. :)


 Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,

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