On 2022-05-31, Carôt, Alexander - Prof. Dr. wrote:

(Before I answer or even post more questions on-list, I'll have to admit I'm a long term, severe alcoholic. Trying to go into recovery, but much in decline as of now. Take what I say with precisely that grain of salt in mind. Shoulda admitted to it much earlier, true... :/ )

1.) I have a Sennheiser Ambeo Mic which gives me 4 channel Ambisonics A-Format. In order to achieve 2-channel binaural Sound via Headphones I have to use a respective binaural decoder (as part of e.g. https://github.com/videolabs/libspatialaudio), however, is it correct that I first have to convert it from A to B-Format ?

In general B-format is the interchange format between tools which is the most convenient, and which different tools most understand. It's the easiest to handle since it's so regular, mathematically speaking. So in general, yes, go via B-format.

But since you mention boom mics — which are of much higher order and more irregular than first order POA from a sounfield mic and more irregular, and even binaural rendering as the eventual D-format — there is a certain caveat here. You might be able to work directly from A to D while retaining more fidelity on the way. You'd lose isotropy, but in frontal work, you might gain also many more orders of directional accuracy, locally, beyond what going via B (or C) admits.

That ain't then ambisonic. The ambisonic framework might help you analyze what you're doing, but if you go from A directly to D, your transmission chain is something besides.

2.) If 1.) applies what is the best way to convert it ? I found this: http://www.matthiaskronlachner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2012-09-27-Kronlachner-homepage.pdf

and it states quite straight-forward equations to do it:

W = 0.5 * (A + B + C + D);
X = (A + C) - (B + D);
Y = (A + B  - (C + D);
Z = (A + D) - (B + C);

Is this correct and is B-Format what is typically called the Ambisonics Sound 
field ?

The general *idea* is about right, but the execution isn't perfect. First, the first ordersound field mic is built for Gaussian quadrature of four points, in 3D, using cardioids, ABCD. They are not in a plane, so the amplification coefficient over the terms is not as simple as you'd have it. You can scale the signals how you want, but the basic scaling would have the .5 factor in all of the signals, WXYZ.

If you then want to end up with an average energy scaling, W will end up being scaled down less than XYZ. These sorts of reasons are why even B-format is ill-defined to date: what are you trying to scale *for*?

Finally, the really nasty thing here is the possibility of spatial aliasing, particularly towards the higher frequencies. Because even with the best classical SoundField mics, somewhere in the vicinity of 10-11kHz, the mic no longer physically works as a directionally coherent soundfield mic. The wavelength of the sound being captured starts to undercut the distance between the mic capsules.

That means that a truly excellent mic has to apodize in direction what it measures, against a rising frequency. It has to do so both by physical design, and the signal processing which leads from its A-format to its B-format output. It cannot be a perfect B-format sensor, but instead it has to compromise. Degrade gracefully at the higher frequencies. And in order to do that in a controlled fashion, it cannot just do a real matrix from A to B, but it needs to do a MIMO LTI matrix of filters on the way.

That filtering can be done in the B-domain to a degree, as the early SoundFields did it. But really, nowadays, it'd be better to do it via DSP. To formulate the whole thing as an inverse MIMO problem.
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