Kenneth Alan Boyd Ramsay wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Constant Brouerius van Nidek wrote:
> > I think that we as users aware of the real culprit should never use the
> > terms worm and or virus without  "Windows"
> Of course, as Linux becomes more popular, we can expect more Linux worms
> and virii - although hopefully never as many, having learned from others'
> mistakes.

I think I see already, where (since linux is open source)
people are looking at the code for weak spots with the
idea of preventing them in the first place. I furthermore
see that they will let it be known that some apparently
weak spots are left as is, with triggers that get pulled
when anyone yanks the string trying to craft sabotage
software. We will identify them, and from then on- make
sure they take their meds.

The whole issue will asymtotically arroach zero.

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