On  2 Feb 02 at 10:26, Oliver Chua wrote:

> Greetings!
> My apologies for the off topic subject but I've enjoyed this group's vast
> resource and knowledge for all sorts of in topic and off topic subjects.  I
> would like to start a small (about 20 people) mailing list discussion group
> similar to this which we're subscribed to (rest assured, I have no
> intention to compete against Survival PC <grin>).  Could someone recommend
> a free (or even a low cost) hosting service that is reliable and free from
> spam or advertisements.  I am trying to get our small number of  local die
> moulders to band together since we are a waning and dying group from the
> much cheaper importers.
> Thank you and I apologize for the additional bandwidth.
> regards,
> Oliver

Oliver, I do all my email with Pegasus Mail 3.5.
By far the best email client for DOS.

You can set up your own Mailing List with it.

I include it's instructions as can be of interes to others:

A listserver is a program which monitors incoming mail
and automatically forwards it to members of a specific
distribution list.

Pegasus Mail 2.3 includes important modifications which
allow it to act as a simple but functional list server.
There are four new NewMail Filtering Actions - Send Text
File, Send Binary File, Add To List and Remove From List
which assist in this, and, more importantly, new mail
which arrives while the new mail list is open will be
filtered (it hasn't been in the past). This means that
you can create a set of rules to handle incoming traffic,
then leave the new mail window open on a machine
somewhere, and Pegasus Mail will take it from there,
applying the rules to each message as it comes in.

Another new feature in rule handling in 2.3 will help
as well: if the first character of the text to match in
a rule is a caret (^) then Pegasus Mail will require an
EXACT MATCH on the string, instead of the substring match
it usually does (ie, if the field contains the string at
all). So, if you enter ^SUBSCRIBE as the text to match
for a rule, then Pegasus Mail will only activate the rule
if the field contains ONLY the word "Subscribe". Pegasus
Mail ALWAYS ignores case when matching, whether or not you
ask for an exact match.

ONE RESTRICTION! Once there are more than 75 messages
in the newmail folder, Pegasus Mail no longer performs
checks for new mail in the background. As a result of
this, the rules you use to implement a listserver should
always ultimately move the message out of the new
mail folder or delete it.

Here's a sample set of filters you might use to set up
a simple list.

  Subject contains SUBSCRIBE:
       * Forward to list moderator
    or * Add sender to mailing list
       * Move message to subscription folder

  Subject contains UNSUBSCRIBE:
       * Forward to list moderator
    or * Remove sender from mailing list
       * Move message to subcription folder

  Subject contains FAQ:
       * Send the text file C:\MAIL\FAQ.TXT
       * Delete or move the message.

  Subject contains ARCHIVE:
       * Send the file C:\MAIL\ARCHIVE.LIS
       * Delete or move the message

   Subject contains anything (*) - default rule
       * Forward the message to the list
       * Move the message to the archive folder
    or * Append the message to the archive file,
         then delete it.

Note the order of the rules - it's quite important
that you establish the sequence correctly. Remember
that rule processing stops as soon as a message is
deleted or moved.

The command-line interface is a vestige of an era of macho computing.

Ing. Alejandro Lieber
Rosario  Argentina

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unsubscribe SURVPC in the body of the message.
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