"Glenn Gilbreath Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [...]
> Bob,
> If you have any luck getting your old Apple on the Internet, I have a
> friend who has given me one, but I haven't tried it myself!  This one
> is a dual-floppy system, so I may not have much chance of Internetting
> her!  But, any tips would be most welcome!

Well, I probably won't be able to do much anytime soon, but seeing those
C-64 and Atari-based web servers has given me new hope. I DID have it hooked
up to my Linux box as a terminal at one point, but simply couldn't locate
any working terminal emulation software for it. I'd planned to use it as my
console. Sadly, I'm simply out of room for it at the moment.

I suppose I could set it up with a modem to answer the phone and connect me
via serial link if the Linux server failed, though that's yet to happen.
Other than that, I expect it'll be limited to accessing the Linux host for
CLI-based tools. Dual floppies was the deluxe way to go back then though.
Seemed we could do it all with 360KB at one time. :)

Then again, I've also got an old KIM 6502-based board that I want to mount
on a wooden plaque and have doing something essential, like monitoring
uptime or some such. I guess it's old enough, I should really just leave it
alone though. Hate to burn out those old LEDs.

Anyone out there doing something useful with old 8-bitters? Ideally,
something Internet related, but I'd be interested to see/hear what the older
dogs are up to!

- Bob

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