> As far as I know, the terminating dot is never transmitted.

It _is_, and that's part of the mail and POP3 RFCs.
The mail (receiving) agents rely and depend on it.
Which is why the send agent mut never send such a dot-line in a mail
body, and has to transform occurring single dots on an otherwise empty
line into two dots.

The receiving client _may_ optionally re-translate such a two-dot line
into a single-dot line.  I dont't know whymost of the *nix clients do
that: This implies that thexy then have to suppress the dot-line,
end-of-mailitem marker - which in turn creates unnecessary, unneeded
additional code bloat with further processing mails (in folders,
threds etc.); must be a quite old bad habit, and may have been one of
the reasons for that cumbersome "forking" of *.txt and *.wrk files for
each and every mail item in *nix inboxes.
(Astonishingly enough, Net$rape's mailer behaves rather well in tha

The "raw" mail item always starts with a "+Ok ...(something)..."
line (where optinally, and ideally "something" is "xxxxx Octets" but
that's not always implemented.

And what you get in the download stream is the header lines with a
"From:" line, _not_ a line strating with "From..." (sans colon); and
at least one, sometimes a long suite of "Received from..." lines.
That _added_ "From (no colon)" line as a mail item start marker is a
real nuisance.

// Heimo Claasen // <hammer at revobild dot net> // Brussels 2002-02-06
The WebPlace of ReRead - and much to read  ==>

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