Bob George wrote:
> I think it's time that we acknowledge that we have been duped
> by a very clever programmer who has managed to fool the best
> of us. Day is really a harmless 'bot, a rudimentary AI,

I think you've got it, Bob.  It explains everything.
The persistence.  The lack of genuine dialog.  The odd
inconsistencies.  I take off my hat to the programmer
-- it certainly had me fooled.

I should have suspected something earlier.  The Day Brown AI
was apparently configured as a long-time computer user and
DOS advocate (a suitable persona for a survPC discussion group).
However, despite the de rigueur "windoz sux" comments, the Day
Brown AI betrays a noticeable bias towards the Microsoft GUI.

>From the Day Brown AI:
> Most pc users use windoz. Whether I like it, or think it is
> a good idea, it is the convention. I frankly think it sux.
> but all the win users know it. even in 31, IIRC. it means
> dragging the mouse all the way from the upper right corner
> to shut down one app, then all the way to the lower left to
> start another...

Notice the elementary error concerning win31.  Anybody who
went through the transition from win31 to win95 would remember
that win31 did not follow this "convention".  I suspect Day's
programmer is a pimply-faced kid, whose first computer was a
Windows 95.

>From the Day Brown AI:
> running a 600mhz VIA C3 and a 8 gig scsi with 256meg dram.

Another configuration blunder.  To have credibility as a DOShead,
the AI should have something like a 386dx40 with copro and 8meg
RAM.  Although, I must admit that the DrDOS thing is a good touch
-- you know, DrDOS is the superior DOS.  My DOS is better than
your DOS.  I am the DOS expert.


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