There are indeed problems with LSppp but the author (David Lindauer)
is actively working on it.

In fact, it's two sorts of problems:
(a) with the built-in dialller; this is not tragical as any other
dialler would work as well (I use Chat).

(b) in the _newer_ versions, there seems to be a bug with the PPP-
authentification step(s).
However, the earlier version 0.7 (date-stamped 05 January 2001) works
quite well for me with four different dial-in servers/ASPs here in
Belgium, and two I use occasionally in Germany.

BTW, epppd has shown to be problematic too with several access servers
around here, especially the (relatively) lates version 0.6; there's
one earlier version of various "v.0.5" named ones which works/worked
best, here, it had the datestamp of 19 May 1997 - this one seems more
reliable than the several later "0.6" brands of various dates in
September, 1997. (I think it's still there at my storage site but not
tagged any more; if interested try for
direct download. I'll check with this run.)

One reason to migrate to LSppp (besides of its significantly smaller
footprint) was epppd's memory leak when used with the Lynxes. This was
only partly due to the Bobcat/Lynxes as it showed immediately when epppd
was replaced by LSppp.

// Heimo Claasen // <hammer at revobild dot net> // Brussels 2002-02-14
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