The last version of GEOSWorks by NewDeal Inc, was aquired by Breadbox
Computers.  There are only 700 copies salvaged from the sale of theGreenPC
division of NewDeal?  They are the only copies of New Deal Office 2000
available to date, I hear.  Looks interesting has a Browser with cookies
and ssl.  It has  email, chat,  Word processor, Spreadsheet, database and
many other bells and whistles included in the $99 package.  Many other
applications, including one for AOL Instant Messanger, are availble as
separate add-ons.

Oh yeah, forgot- all in DOS! 386 or better, 486 recomended.

Does anyone no about it?  Is it worth the price?
Have a Goody!
---This was written by a user of Arachne, New Deal GEOS, and DOS on the WWW!
-- Arachne V1.70;rev.3, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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