On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 00:00:02 +0000, Automatic digest processor wrote:

> Anyone who believes they got infected e-mail from me is invited to tell
> *me* and not the world in general ... and, if possible, they should
> forward full headers at least, or the message in zipped format password
> protected so it can get past the Amavis virus firewall.

I agree it is certainly the polite thing to do to try to inform
the apparent sender privately rather than to announce his problem
to the whole world.  In the case of some viruses the sender just
doesn't get the word.  Some viruses are so nasty that they
automatically set up the infected machine to send an auto-reply
containing another copy of the virus to the people who are just
merely trying to inform him that his machine is infected.  We have
seen this happen on some of the lists we subscribe to.  In these
cases we have had to report the infected machine to the virus
sender's ISP.  If the virus senders can't even get the word by
private email that their machines are infected, the only way we can
help them is to report them to their respective ISPs.

I know this is very distressing and embarassing to the unfortunate
person whose machine is infected, but how else was the person going
to be able to find out about his problem?

I can very well understand how your case is especially annoying to
you because I know you were falsely accused, although not with
malicious intent.  The person who accused you did not know that the
"From:" address had been forged.  How was he to suspect that Micro$oft
$oftware is so incredibly defective that it even allows virri to
forge the "From:" addresses on outgoing emails without the operator's
even being aware of it?

The mere fact that Micro$oft $oftware can send any emails at all
without the operator's knowledge ought to be considered reason
enough to outlaw the possession of such software and to sue the
manufacturer into bankruptcy in order to rid the internet of this
most evil scourge.

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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