Hi Folks, Ben,

I wrote:
>>    All that I know (or think I know) is that it is possible to set up a
>> server, with its unique IP number, send off your spam for a day or so,
>> then close it down and immediately set up another one, with a different
>> IP number.

Ben A L Jemmett wrote:
> Far too much effort for your average spammer.  Why not just relay through
> one of the many open servers?  That's a few more common cause of IP
> addresses shifting; the real source IP changes, too, depending on whether
> the spammer got ToSed from their ISP.

> Setting up an actual ISP is decidedly non-trivial, though, since IP address
> allocations are getting harder to come by.  The connectivity would also be
> rather expensive.

    There !   :)

  I knew someone could explain it better than me.


Ron Clarke
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